AZ Alma

Semanis gadis di pinggir desa, mengukir senyuman di sore hari untuk mempersiapkan diri tampak anggun jelita. Santunnya dipalit dengan kehalusan flora yang sarat, namun memberi ilusi yang memukau buat yang memandang. #AZalma menyelahkan dalam gaya yang minimal, disulami ritma mempesona buat si gadis


Product Details:

Measurement: Approximately 117 cm x 117 cm

Material: High-Quality Cotton Voile

Packaging: AZ Pouch Bag

Opacity: Level 4

1. Actual colors may differ slightly from your screen due to the camera flash and the fact that every computer monitor, laptop, tablet, and phone screen has a different capability to display colors.

2. Due to the natural condition of the material, you might see fine lines near the hem and scarves may not be 100% perfectly square to maintain their measurement.